Florencia Escudero 🌹️ Info 🌹️ CV/Bio 🌹️ Thanks for Visiting 🌹️ 

Born 1987, Singapore
Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY

Florencia Escudero was born in Singapore in 1987 and grew up in Mendoza, Argentina. She lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Escudero received an MFA in Sculpture from the Yale University School of Art in 2012 and a BFA in Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts in 2010. Her works have been exhibited at Kristen Lorello, Instituto Cervantes, Friedrich Petzel Gallery, Mrs. Gallery and Rachel Uffner Gallery among other venues. She was a 2016 year-long Artist in Residence at the Loisaida Center, New York, NY, and has also completed residencies at Collarworks, Troy, NY, Art Farm, Marquette, NE, and Pilchuck Glass School, Seattle, WA. Works by Escudero have been discussed in Editorial Magazine, Aether Magazine, The Art Newspaper, Hyperallergic, The American Reader, Cultured Magazine and the Brooklyn Rail. She is an editor and founder of Precog Magazine.

Photograph by Itzel Alejandra

MFA, Sculpture, Yale University School of Art, New Haven, CT
BFA, Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts

Phygitalia, Rachel Uffner and Kristen Lorello, New York, NY 
Canciones en la Colmena, Kristen Lorello, New York, NY
Florencia Escudero, Kristen Lorello, New York, NY

One More Thing,Triangle Gallery, SUNY Purchase, New York, NY
Christmas In July curated by Wells Chandler, NADA, New York, NY
The Return of Histoire Naturelle, Chez Max et Dorothea, Los Angeles, CA
Holding, Kristen Lorello and Van Doren Waxter present, curated by Kristen Lorello,
New York, NY
Bonamatic, group exhibtion, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Return, CPM Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Walter Elwood Contemporary, Amsterdam, New York, NY 
52 Artists: A feminist Milestone, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT
Theorem X/Y, curated by Rebekah Chozick and
Sara Maria Salamone, Mrs. Gallery/Rachel Uffner Gallery,
New York, NY
Cyber Healing, The LatinX Project at NYU, New York University, New York, NY 
Love Letter to a Nightmare, Friedrich Petzel Gallery (Chelsea), New York, NY

Every Woman Biennial, La MaMa Galleria, New York, NY
On the Lamb, PAD Gallery, New York, NY
Florencia Escudero | Marcela Flórido: Costilla de Adán (Monstera Deliciosa), Kristen Lorello, New York, NY
Ojalá, curated by Danielo Garcia with Cluturerunners, Culturerunners Project Space, New York, NY
Re: Art This is Not Here, curated by Efrem Zelony Mindell, Pfizer, Brooklyn, New York, NY
Return of the Living Dudd, curated by Jonalddudd, Brooklyn,  New York, NY
Flat Touch, curated by Karen Tepaz and Jason Segall, Steuben Gallery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Caixa Preta, Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
FaceHugger (with Sessa Englund), Brethren, Brooklyn New York, NY
Whitney Houston Biennial, 325 West Broadway, New York, NY
Grupo 11, curated by Carolina Castro Jorquera, Instituto Cervantes, New York, NY
Endless Editions Biennial, 20/20 Gallery, New York, NY
Pussy Power, David & Schweitzer Contemporary, Brooklyn, NY
Skin Dips (with Dalia Amara), Selena Gallery, New York, NY
Artist Visions and Cultural Insights, curated by Ed Dadey and Coral Lu, New York, NY Trans/Formation ATP, curated by Pan Terzis, New York
Got it for Cheap, curated by Charlie Roberts and Chris Rexroad, Copenhagen, New York, Oslo, Stockholm, Paris
Guliver X Solo Exhibition (with performance by Stephen Decker), Loisaida Cultural Center, New York, NY
Cicada Screen + HOC Collaboration, Etta Project Space, Seoul, Korea, and New York, NY
The Center is a Vision of Endless Wow, Barranquilla, Colombia
Beyond Gravity, Coohaus, New York, NY
Voice Calls From Nowhere, Splatterpool, New York, NY
Painting Wall, Touch Gallery, New York, NY
I Have Never Been to Heaven, Kremer Pigments, New York, NY
Crypsis, Distillery Gallery, Boston, MA
Creeps III Exhibition, Ed. Varie, New York, NY
Creeps Annual: The Human Binding Machine Performance, PS1/MoMA, Long Island City, NY
Salvajes, Asya Geisberg, New York, NY
Collaborative Concepts, Garrison, NY
Spaghetti Suicide Funeral, Y Gallery, New York, NY
The Listening Room Series, curated by Kevin Beasley, Yale, New Haven, CT


SOHO House Art Collection
Lippard, Lucy, Amy Smith-Stewart, and Alexandra Schwartz, 52 Artists: A Feminist Milestone, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

Roffino, Sara, "The Season of Sculpture: Five Artists You Need to Know Right Now," Cultured, February 13, https://www.culturedmag.com/article/2024/02/13/lakela-brown-louis-osmosis-ektor-garcia
Elizabeth Buhe, Art Seen, Brooklyn Rail, https://brooklynrail.org/2019/12/artseen/Florencia-Escudero
Valentina Di Liscia, 8 Art Shows to see in New York this May https://hyperallergic.com/909604/8-art-shows-to-see-in-new-york-city-may-2024
Kerri Ammirata, Interview with Florencia Escudero, BOMB Magazine, June 21, 2024 
Cohn, Alison S. and Marsh Ariana "'52 Artists' News: Fashion and Culture," Harper's Bazaar, June/July 2022, P. 78.
Remezcla, Open Estudios, Facebook, Dec 25
Breyer, Susan, "Florencia Escudero," The Brooklyn Rail, Artseen
Calderón, Barbara, "A Review of Florencia Escudero at Kristen Lorello," Cultured Magazine, November 27
Ryzik, Melena, "An Art Show for Hundreds of Women. And That's Just the Artists," New York Times, May 16
Exposición de Florencia Escudero y Marcela Flórido, ViceVersa Magazine Precog Magazine, V, "Bubble Orchestra", New York, NY
Artist Feature, Aether Magazine, Issue 12 edited by Mia Sakai
"Exposición de mujeres latinoamericanas en Estados Unidos," ViceVersa Magazine,  March 6
"11 Women Artists from the Americas in Critical Dialogue: Grupo 11, LatinX Spaces
Salaam, Nadeem, "Tangled Bliss and Beautiful Soup | Exhibit By Three Woman Of Color Ending Soon In Bushwick’s Selena Gallery | Amie Cunat Mika Horibuchi Florencia Escudero," Elevtrtrax, December 6
Trapper Keeper 5 , Mega Press, New York, NY, September, edited by  Panayiotis Terzis
"Florencia Escudero's Haunted Honeymoon Suite," Editorial, issue 16
"Sex dolls and domesticity," The Art Newspaper, In the Frame, November 4
Calderón, Barbara, "9 Can't Miss Art Exhibits in NYC This Month: Florencia Escudero," Remezcla
Johnson, Paddy, and Michael Anthony Farley, "This Week's Must-See Art Events: Future Bodies are Everywhere and Scary: Skin Dips," ArtFCity, October  17
Trapper Keeper, 4, Mega Press, New York, NY, September, edited by  Panayiotis Terzis
Rossetti, Chloé, "Templum #2: I Have Never Been to Heaven/ Glacier/ Dugite/ Poltergeist," The American Reader
Avedisian, Alexis, "Evading Detection in the Digital Panopticon," October 10, Hyperallergic
McQuaid, Cate, "What's up at area art galleries: Curious works, camouflaged," Boston Globe, Galleries, October 8
Romanello, Carla, "La artista que encontró su inspiración en Nueva York," Los Andes, Mendocinos por el mundo, July 28

Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency, Collarworks, Troy, NY
The Future, Minneapolis, MN
Loisaida Center Artist Residency, New York, NY
Nebraska Art Farm Residency, Marquette, NE
Full Scholarship, Pilchuck Glass School, Seattle, WA

Co-Founder and editor of Precog Magazinea collaborative project with Gaby Collins Fernandez and Kellie Konapelsky. This is an ongoing annually published collaborative project which is distributed at Moma PS1, Ooga Booga, Skylight Books, Printed Matter and is in the Queensland Art Gallery and School of Visual Arts collection.
Vol. I (2015), Vol 2. “Techno-S” (2016), Vol. 3 “Transformation” (2017), Vol. 4 “Empire Vampire” (2018), Vol. 5 “Bubble Orchestra” (2019), Vol 6 “When the Object Sins...” (2021), Vol. 7“Trolletariat” (2022) Vol. 8 “Bad Interface”(2024)

Curatorial Projects
Bubble Orchestra Exhibition, curated with Precog Magazine, NARS Foundation, NYC
This exhibition featured artists from issue 5 and also functioned as a launch
for an interactive video game curated by Precog Magazine in collaboration with “The Virtual Dream Center”.

Upcoming : Albany SUNY 
                      Pratt Institute
Independent publication showcase, Columbia University, New York, NY
Artist talk for Wells Chandler, Cornel University, New York, NY
Guest Speaker for NYC Crit Club, Visiting Critic Program with Rose Nestler,
New York, NY
Guest Speaker for Visiting Critic Program with Carlos Rosales, 
NYC Crit Club, New York, NY
Cyber Healing, The LatinX Project at NYU, New York University, New York, NY 
Lecture for Hallie McNeill class : Space, Form and Process, Pratt Institute 
Smack Mellon, 5 Max artist Talk, July 9, 2020
Lecture for Gaby Collins Fernandez, Senior Seminar, Painting and Drawing SUNY Purchase
Lecture for Caroline Chandler, Painting and Drawing, SUNY Purchase
Lecture for Morgan Pearse, 3D Design at Caldwell University
Our Curated Scene, Panel organized by Barbara Calderon and the Latinx Project, NYU, Oct 8,
New York, NY
Technologies of Care, Panel organized by Sarah Hamerman and the Cybernetics Library, Sept 21,
New York Book Art Fair, Moma Ps1, New York, NY
In conversation with Fundación Amoxtli, Panel Hosted by Smack Mellon, June 16th, New York, NY
How to make a Magazine Talk with Precog Magazine, March 30, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Bodies in Time, Performance/Talk with Randi Shandroski, The Future, Minneapolis, MN
Presenter, Allied media, Detroit, MI
Visiting artist lecture, Hudson Community college, New Jersey, NJ

Artwear, Tisch NYU, New York, NY
Upcycling with synthetic dyes, 92NY, New York, NY
Abrons arts center and The school of Making thinking
Fluid forms: Between Fashion and Sculpture Online course developed for the School of Making thinking. Historical and hands-on approach to the history of wearable art and soft sculpture. Topics will include fashion and art as accessible ways to address commercialism and the fetishization of objects. Alternative solutions will be proposed through workshops that introduce various techniques for eco-friendly strategies of repair reuse, and adornment. New York, NY

  Smack Mellon Arts Mentor New York, NY
Nars Foundation Visiting critic , New York, NY
Maple Terrace Residency Visiting critic , New York, NY
Abstract Painting with Andrea Belag Visiting critic, New York, NY
Project Art/New York Public Library Hamilton Grange Library Instructor, New York, NY



